Ulysses 2.1.1 Is Now Available

Before I started working here, I didn’t know much about software development. To be honest, I was more the average type of user. Although I still can’t code, I certainly learned a couple of things about the process. For example this one: Every major release is followed by a minor release with improvements and bug fixes for flaws discovered in the late beta phase, or even after the release. We are (of course) always doing our best to ship well-rounded updates with as little flaws as possible. But since developing software, or at least developing a writing software named Ulysses, is such a complex thing (learned lesson No. 2), there is always something to improve or to perfect. That’s why there are x.x.1 updates. Now you know, too.

Ulysses 2.1.1 is now available for Mac and iPad, and here is what’s inside:

  • DOCX export now supports changing character spacing and setting highlight colors,
  • PDF export got an option to enable justification of lines ending with line breaks,
  • Sheets can also be split at the very beginning or end,
  • Plus a number minor improvements and fixes.

For details, feel free to check out the release notes. And, at the risk of repeating myself: Please consider rating or reviewing Ulysses on the App Store. Because it helps a lot. Thanks!