Ulysses 13 Kills the Internet

We have just released Ulysses 13 to both the App Store and the Mac App Store. The update adds one of our most requested features, enhances one of our most popular features, and colors one of our seemingly minor but most powerful features. It’s live already, and here’s what’s new…

GitHub-Style Fenced Code Blocks

This one’s on the list for years, and at one time we even stopped counting requests. I won’t go into details why this has taken us so long – it’s finally here, and for now that’s probably all you care about. If you care about GitHub-style fenced code blocks.

Ok, so code blocks now have all the good stuff, really: A fixed monospaced font, even if your editor preference says Sans Serif. Syntax coloring for dozens of languages, both in the editor and during export. True blocks, aka fenced, i.e., no more tagging each and every paragraph of a, well… block. We even ship with a nice syntax chooser, featuring auto-completion and recently used languages. Because you’ll love it, and we’re like that.

Daily Goals, Deadlines and Session History

Here’s the thing: I participated in what was the second or third NaNoWriMo ever, and I regularly need to write articles and posts on a schedule. I’m also a statistics junkie, or at least I love looking at numbers and graphs and complain about how they are skewed for the argument, but whatever.

Point is, I wanted this one for years myself, but somehow… it always slipped to the backlog. Long story short, you can now set deadlines for goals, and you can set a daily writing goal to form a habit or such. And you can see how many words you need to write per day, to meet your deadline (yeah, we’re good at combining stuff). We even let you exclude weekends (or Mondays) from your schedule, because, again, we’re like that.

So… 50,000 words until November 30th? Better start now, or you’ll need to do 2,200 every work day. ;)

Colored Keywords

Some features can be explained in a few sentences; others need their own section in a community-powered knowledge base. And yet others can’t be explained at all. And then there are those features for which you’ll write a headline, and everything is… just… said. Colored keywords – there, you have it.

However, as always with us Ulysses people, there’s much more to colored keywords than just colors for your keywords. For example… well, who am I kidding? That’s pretty much it, to be honest: colors for your keywords. Colored keywords are mighty cool though, mind you. No, really. Try them, you’ll love them.

Fixes, Availability, Trial Reset

We’ve also fixed bits here and improved bytes over there, but that’s to be expected. For all details, check out the version history.

The update should be live already, so go and get it. If you’ve checked out Ulysses before but weren’t quite convinced, you can even download it again and give it another try – we’ve reset all trials to let you do exactly that.

Happy writing, have fun!