Images in Ulysses – The Complete Tutorial

Are you a purist who accepts words and nothing but words in your writing app? Then you can stop reading here.

But who is, really? If you’re a blogger, you’re probably a medium to heavy embedder of images. (Visualize a travel blog without photos. So sad.) When writing manuals, you may want to add illustrations; as an author of nonfiction books, you could use infographics to get your points across. If you’re a novelist, you probably won’t embed images into your manuscript, but you may want to attach photos or drawings to envision the setting and the characters of your story. Ulysses has a function for that, too.

In our new, fully-fledged image tutorial we’ve collected everything there is to know about the use of images in Ulysses. You’ll learn

  • how to quickly embed images on Mac, iPad, and iPhone into your text,
  • how to embed images that are stored online,
  • how to show image previews in the editor and define their size,
  • how to determine the size of images in exported documents,
  • how to enter an alt attribute or a caption for WordPress publishing, HTML or ePub export, and
  • how to handle images that don’t belong in your text, but serve as a reference.

Read the full tutorial here.