Ulysses for iPhone Tip #1

The release of Ulysses 2.5 last week brought us thousands of new Ulysses users. Welcome aboard, we’re very happy to have you here! We have decided to run a daily series of little tips for writers that are new to Ulysses for iPhone or even to Ulysses in general. Should you be a pro user and yet familiar with some of these features, please don’t mind – we’ll be back exploring less known territories soon.

Let’s start with some layout customization. Do you think the font size Ulysses uses for writing is too small? Then change it! With Ulysses 2.5 it is simpler to do than ever before, also on iPad. You can edit your settings via the gear icon in the editor toolbar. In the settings overlay, choose “Layout”. Now you can tweak the editor text zoom to your liking. Here you can also change the measures for line height, paragraph spacing and first line indent.